Mitchell Hicks AKA headfilledwithmoosh

Welcome to my Art Portfolio and Website! Here you'll find info on myself, my art, some examples of my best works, and how to purchase some commissions if you like my work enough to want some of your own!

Hello! I'm Mitchell, and I'm a freelance artist! I go by a lot of names, but Moosh is most common. I'm heavily involved in the social media art community, and I am excited to hopefully make my passion my job!

Commission prices, open and closed status and even more examples are in this document! More options may be added, so keep up to date and see if what you're looking for becomes an option!
Commission options and prices!

If you wish to contact me in any way, you can do so via my email, Discord, or any other site I am on! Check my pronouny for my pronouns if you’re unsure!

Discord ID: headfilledwithmoosh#7340
Email: [email protected]

( Made with Carrd )